Kindness, empathy, gratitude and generosity are all attributes we want to instil in our children every day. Through our holistic program, with a focus on Jewish values, we are building these traits in our children and “helping them to flourish and bloom as they reach their true potential and take their place in the world as kind and compassionate global citizens.” Ruth Landau Harp Philosophy as the only Jewish Early Learning Centre in the state, we wear our badge with a great deal of pride and honour. Since its humble beginnings (as Gan Katan) on the 17th of October 1999, Ruth Landau Harp has grown to a 5 room, 95 place centre with firm foundations in the community and as a part of the Perth Hebrew Congregation family. We are a service that is welcoming and inclusive. The families at our service are from all corners of the globe and choose us for our strong commitment to the care and education of children, regardless of their race, religion or cultural origin.

Our team of Jewish Studies and Hebrew teachers
Our service has dedicated Jewish studies teachers who spend time in each of the rooms, sharing their love of Judaism, Jewish culture and customs and Jewish values. These educators work in excess of the regulated ratios so there are always teachers ready to read a special story, sing a traditional song and share their knowledge of the culture and customs unique to Judaism.

An integral part of our daily ritual, Davening is a time for all the children to gather together and give thanks for the day ahead. Children sing songs in English and Hebrew, along with the educators, and learn to recite special Bracha. They love this part of their morning routine.
Shabbat party
Friday is a highlight of the week as the children take part in and host their own Shabbat. This much loved celebration at our centre, is a time where our whole Ruth Landau Harp community comes together and models the Shabbat celebration which takes place on Friday night in a traditional Jewish home. The children make challah (a traditional braided Jewish bread) to take home and love being part
of this special celebration.
Chagim calendar
Throughout the Jewish calendar, there are many holidays to explore and learn about. These holidays each bring an opportunity for cultural experiences and discoveries and are woven into our programs and experiences through out the year. We share these occasions with the wider community and offer many opportunities for the whole family to be involved.
There is a richness and depth to our service that makes us truly unique and our Jewish studies are integral to how special we are.