In our previous BLOG we looked at the importance of building relationships. A significant contributing factor in the development of these relationships, is the security that comes from continuity. Research tells us that continuity of care promotes meaningful and deep relationships which, in turn, results in quality learning experiences and outcomes for children but there are other forms that continuity can take.
This continuity can be evidenced in a number of ways, such as;

Constant changes to environments, faces, routines and procedures can be detrimental to a child’s growth and developing sense of wellbeing. Change can be a challenge at the best of times and constant change can bubble over to becoming a problem.
Continuity is another cornerstone for a service that aims to provide Exceeding practice. This is reflected, not only through our own Centre Philosophy but is also reflected in the National Quality Framework as well under;
There is safety in predictability and security in knowing the who, what, where and when of any given situation. Continuity is beneficial not only to children but to parents, staff and the wider community as well.
The benefits of continuity for children include:
Being a part of a stable learning environment. This leads to better outcomes for learning.
Fostering of strong, safe and secure relationships with educators and peers. This leads to more secure attachments.
A reduction in the feelings of stress that come from a feeling of instability and unknowing.
Opportunities to build better social skills through long term relationships. Leading to closer friendships and greater sense of belonging.
The benefit of continuity for parents include:
A feeling of confidence, knowing that your child is with familiar people who know them and understand their needs.
A sense of comfort, knowing that your child is in an environment that is known to them and is safe.
A sense of trust, knowing that the staff know and respect your family values.
A feeling of security knowing that there is accountability and a management system there to support you.
The benefit of continuity for Educators include:
Opportunities to form deep and genuine relationships with the children and their families.
A sense of stability, knowing where you will be and with whom you will be, each day.
A way to grow your professional skills as you form strong connections with your colleagues.
The safety of knowing that policy and procedure will guide your practice and support systems are in place to assist you.
“Mere change is not growth. Growth is the synthesis of change and continuity, and where there is no continuity there is no growth.” – C.S. Lewis